Monday, May 11, 2009

Packing, Stressing, Praying...

Well, we're in the midst of it now! Got our specific travel dates - May 27th - June 11th. An amazing amount of thought and planning are going into this trip. We are extremely excited! It was a joy to hear Caleb telling me how "I can't explain how excited I am about little's like...uh..." and he's at a loss for words. Well, that about sums it up. We're so amazed by God's blessings in our family. We were concered about finances, but God brought in the supply that was needed from His vast storehouses.

One of my greatest thrills is the knowledge that this adoption is the practical outplay of the gospel itself. What better practical example of the gospel could we have? God came and adopted us out of the misery and sin of this world to shine His love into our lives. How can we do less for these little ones? God made us co-heirs with Christ. And so Josiah will be in our family with Caleb. It's difficult to describe the joy that comes when I realize that God is using us - He's actually giving us the chance to disciple this little guy and introduce him to Christ. Not with some presentation or moving sermon - but with our very lives. What a huge responsibility and a huge privilege. Pray for us that we will never slip in this call that God has given. And pray for our sanity as we fight to stay fixed on the author and finisher of our faith!


  1. We love you guys and are praying for safety as you travel, protection for Caleb and transition for the entire family! We rejoice with you! God is good!

  2. what part of china are you guys going to?

    can't wait to see him when we get out there in June!!!
