Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Josiah's 2nd Birthday

We had quite a birthday celebration for Josiah on June 26th. Trish's side of the family all came to join in the festivities and we had quite a crowd. Josiah had a blast playing with all of his cousins, but his day was dampered a bit when he experienced his first bee sting. He was a brave little one though and still was able to enjoy opening presents and cake and ice cream.

It's amazing to see how different Josiah is now from when we first received him in China. He is quite animated and makes us laugh all the time. It has been special to see the bond growing between he and Caleb. Our prayer is that they become the best of friends. We are thankful for Caleb's nurturing spirit and how he looks after Josiah so much. It's hard to believe that Caleb will be turning nine this year already! The time goes so fast but we are thankful that the Lord allows us the privilege of raising these boys for Him.

Settling in

It's been a while since we last posted so we thought we should give a quick update on family life here in the Nelson household. Josiah has settled into a good routine and acts as if he's always been with us. It's hard to believe we've only been home for not quite two months and he already understands most everything we tell him and is saying more and more words each day.

Josiah is a very happy boy and loves to play with his big brother. Caleb has taken on a lot of new responsibilites with his little brother. One of their favorite things to play in is a huge box we've had sitting in our living room for the last month. Caleb sure knows how to make him laugh! Josiah also loves wrestling with his "Dada" and going for walks with his mama.

So far we've enjoyed the great outdoors together and even introduced Lakeside kiddie rides to Josiah. Wow, what an experience that was! For the most part, Josiah is a very content and easy going boy. We are so thankful the Lord has blessed us with little Josiah. We prayed specifically that the Lord would prepare him for our family and we feel He has definitely answered that prayer.