Monday, May 25, 2009

Caleb's Big Adventure

Today it was difficult parting from Caleb when we took him to our friends' house in Buena Vista. After we visited for a while with them we had to say our goodbyes for a couple weeks. It was such a strange feeling not having him with us on the way home especially knowing we wouldn't see him for a while. But we were happy to be able to get our video chat set up through our gmail accounts. With that we will be able to talk and see each other daily, which will help us not feel so far apart.

Caleb is excited for his adventure while we're away. We prepared a little journal for him to write in each day and draw pictures to help tell us about all of his activities. We even gave him a couple disposable cameras so he could have fun taking pictures each day.

On the way to Buena Vista this morning, we made a stop at one of our favorite spots in Twin Lakes. We thought it would be fun to get a fishing trip in with Caleb and spend some down time together as a family. The fish weren't even nibbling but we so enjoyed the peace and beauty of the mountains. It was a much needed respite after weeks of busyness preparing for this trip.

So now we have one more day to make any final preparations. We're pretty much packed up except for a bag we're getting together for the orphanage. After a conference call with our travel group and agency directors, it was confirmed that we could bring some clothing and small toys for the children at Josiah's orphanage. We won't have the opportunity to deliver them ourselves, but when the orphanage director delivers Josiah to us we will be able to give him the bag. We are thankful for the chance to give to these little ones.

We hope our journey will inspire others to consider how the Lord might want to use them in the lives of His beloved children. We are so blessed to be a part of His plan for Josiah.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking about you tonight. You are in our prayers. Can't wait to hear details!
    Love you guys
    Ken and Terri
