Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's hard to believe we've been in China just over a week! It seems much longer. Please pray for us as we prepare to fly over to Guanzhou on Saturday and finish out our last days there. We can't wait to get home to Caleb! We miss him terribly.

Things with Josiah have been going well overall. We are learning more about him and finding he has a very strong will. We have found that his tantrums are usually a result of him feeling scared or insecure and we are doing our best to help him through them. Thankfully they are less frequent and don't last as long as the first couple days we had him. It's been amazing to see how much he is changing so quickly. He has become much more interactive and has even said a couple words.

Yesterday Don was working with him and playing with him here in the hotel room. He was showing Josiah how to draw on paper and he asked him to say "paper" - and he did! It was the first time he has said anything so we were quite taken back. Then today he said "Mama" which of course made my heart melt. He's trying to say more and more so we are very encouraged. The nannies at the orphanage said he never spoke to the adults there. He only did his baby talk when he played with the other children. So within three days we've made a lot of progress! He's also laughing out loud and is very playful. Now he's acting like a typical two-year-old -- getting into everything! He has a lot of energy and keeps us on the move.

It's been nice to have a couple down days after a week of busy schedules. We will gear up for Josiah's first plane ride on Saturday. Please pray he will do well. We are praying the last week in Guanzhou will go fast as we are eager to get home to Caleb and also some home-cooked meals! Thanks for your continued prayers.

(By the way, we are unable to access our blog out here in China. For some reason much of the internet access has been blocked. So our friend has been posting for us. We have not been able to read any of your replies, so if you'd like to email us on our gmail account - -we'd love to hear from you! Thanks.)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It seems like just yesterday when we were in China getting Kylie. It sounds like things are going really well.

    I'm really glad to hear you have been able to connect with other families from your travel group. They can be such a support.

    Nancy and I will continue to pray for your journey. We can't wait to follow your progess in Guanzhou.

    God Bless,
    Terry and Nancy Skelton
